-President George Albert Smith
1. First and foremost, I am thankful for my husband. I am so lucky to have found him because he truly is one in a million. I can always count on him to turn a bad day around, even after I have taken it out on him and burst into tears after a horrible temper tantrum. He is my rock, and I have no idea where I would be without him. I cannot wait to start a family with him.
2. I have the best mother in the world. Seriously, she is an angel on earth. Her house stays immaculately clean and her chocolate chip cookies blow yours out of the water… I haven’t tasted yours, you say? I don’t need to. Mom can take one look at me and read every thought going through my head. It’s a superpower of hers that I have yet to figure out. She taught me everything I know about be a housekeeper, cook, wife, teacher, and mother. I hope one day I will be as great as she is.
3. My dad is one of my all time heroes, and I am definitely his daughter. He is one of the funniest men I know. When I was little he used to take me to the gas station for a slushie just so we could spend time together. He still does it with my brother and sister, and they call it “slushie time”. Those trips to 7-11 meant way more to me then he will ever know. Nobody can make me laugh like my dad. The only thing that eases the pain of losing my grandpa last year is that my dad is just like him… so in a way I know Pop lives on through him. I have always been a “daddy’s girl”… some things never change.
4. It might be strange to say that I am thankful for my cat, but I totally am. Shortly after we got married, James and I adopted Morrison Bartholomew Gholson, but we just call him Morris. He is fat and cuddly and basically the coolest cat in the world. His personality is SO unique. He tries James’ patience and cuddles with mommy after he gets scolded for playing with the Christmas tree. I love petting his belly and massaging his toes. He loves his bath time. He is my little buddy and I already feel like we are a family of three. Things around here wouldn’t be nearly as exciting without him.
5. I am so thankful for my school. Virginia Commonwealth University has opened so many doors for me over the last few years, and I am happy that I chose to pursue my degree there. I got into several big name colleges, but I wouldn’t trade my college experiences at VCU for anything in this world. I have had great professors, won scholarships, participated in clubs, gone to Houston to cheer on the basketball team in the Final Four, and made lasting friendships.
6. My sister Jackie is one of my best friends. I don’t think we could be any more different if we tried, but somehow we balance each other out and laugh the entire time we are together. And we don’t just laugh. We both cackle. You know those girls that shoot each other looks and then laugh maniacally in a quiet room? Yeah… that’s us.
7. I am thankful for my little sister Elizabeth. She just turned 9 last month, and boy is she all spunk. She reminds me so much of myself when I was younger, and she is really beginning to look like me. I miss her so much when I am away. Her heart is huge, and she really desires to succeed in everything she does. That kid is driven!
8. My little brother James cannot be left out. That little guy makes me laugh SO much. He is such a little man, even if he is only 7. I love having conversations with him at bedtime when we are both laying on the bed in the dark. He really is the greatest and had such a sweet spirit. Hopefully they move back soon!
9. I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have in my life- particularly Karen, Bailey, and Dan. They know how to make me smile when I need it the most, and I believe my friendships with each of them are going to last for many, many years. I could go on and on about how much I love each of them, but words will never begin to express just how much I care for them.
10. I am so grateful for all of my extended family, specifically my grandparents. I'm thankful for the great example my grandpa was to his children and grandchildren. I miss his advice, his laugh, and his sweet spirit. He is truly one of my heroes.
11. I am thankful for our two bedroom apartment. My kitchen is way too small and we don’t have nearly enough storage space for all of our junk, but it is our home and I love it.
12. I am grateful for our country, its constitution, and the freedoms that I have. I am particularly thankful for the soldiers that fight for those freedoms every day. Not a day goes by that I don’t include them in my prayers.
13. It’s the holiday season, and my favorite part of the holidays is the music. There is something about carols that makes me feel warm inside. I know, I know… that is way too cheesy sounding, right? But when I hear Andy Williams come over the radio singing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” I can’t help but smile! As much as I love Thanksgiving, I am so excited that Christmas is around the corner!
14. Speaking of music, I am so glad that I have the opportunity to work with the children at church as the primary chorister. Those kids make my week every Sunday with their enthusiasm and love for the gospel. If you ever need a spiritual boost, visit the primary room during singing time. I guarantee you’ll feel the Spirit there.
15. More than anything else, I am so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that he atoned for my sins so that I could return to live with my Father in Heaven one day. I don’t think anyone could put that feeling of gratitude more eloquently than President Gordon B. Hinkley: “Through giving His life in pain and unspeakable suffering, He has reached down to lift me and each of us and all the sons and daughters of God from the abyss of eternal darkness following death. He has provided something better—a sphere of light and understanding, growth and beauty where we may go forward on the road that leads to eternal life. My gratitude knows no bounds. My thanks to my Lord has no conclusion.”
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