When we got to the temple, we slid into one of the noon sessions. I don’t know how we got in… the temple was seriously packed. I think that the next time we visit we will go on a weekday, because it was a little too crazy for my liking. The session was amazing, though. Our trip was full of the Spirit and so many tender moments. We took a walk around the grounds, completely focused on each other and still on a spiritual high from the Celestial Room. I love that feeling. Every time we visit the temple, our love is strengthened and I can feel my love for James grow... probably because temple ordinances revolve around one important eternal aspect: families. The more we visit the temple, the stronger our family will become. We have set a goal for ourselves, and that goal is to go to the temple once a month. We are going to make this happen!
There are these giant brass doors on the side of the temple that I have always wanted pictures in front of. It rained on our wedding day, so we didn’t get to take them last year. We took advantage of the sunny weather yesterday and asked a girl to take our picture. They turned out beautiful! I am completely in love with them. Here they are in all of their glory:
"When you come to the temple you will love your family with a deeper love than you have ever felt before. The temple is about families."
-Richard H. Winkel
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