1. Skydive with my dad.
Dang it... this is the 5th year in a row that this hasn't happened. It WILL happen while I am 23. My dad turned 50 this year and isn't getting any younger, so we have to make this dream a reality.
Okay, I didn't do it completely on my own, but James and I decorated Ryan's nursery and did a fabulous job if I do say so myself!
So technically we haven't done this yet, but we are signed up for a 5k this weekend. Also, we won't be running it. Life happened and I am not exactly in the best shape I've ever been in, so we will be walking and pushing the baby's stroller instead.
Thanks to groupon, we were able to attend a show at a place called ComedySportz with our friends Deanna and William. It was this little hole in the wall comedy club where improv teams compete for points by winning over the crowd. The jokes were corny and the company was great. No regrets there!
6. Go to New York City.
*sigh* One day I will take James. He has never been!
7. Go deep sea fishing.
I tried to do this for James' 24th birthday but we just couldn't afford it. Maybe next summer!
8. Visit the Outer Banks and buy an "OBX" sticker for my car.
We didn't get to do this, either. See next summer.
9. Ride in a hot air balloon.
I didn't get to ride in one, but I did see one crash land outside of Walmart in the middle of an intersection. That's just as exciting, right? Right?!
Hated it. Never again.
11. Take a self defense class.
This needs to happen...
12. Organize a relief effort for some people in need.
I didn't organize an effort, but I did make an effort to help people more this year. I have wanted to work on being more selfless, so I volunteered to help a lot and brought people dinners! Go me!
13. Memorize all of the presidents of the United States. In order.
I want to do this so that I can impress my Social Studies students one day.
So maybe it wasn't a real elephant... it may or may not have been the giant stuffed elephant in my baby's jungle nursery. Whatever. I'm counting it.
One word: Sushi.
We actually checked this off the day that I turned 22! Carter Mountain Orchard in Charlottesville, Virginia for the win!
Done. Thanks Carrie! :)
I often wonder if anyone will ever get to read it. I actually put a lot of time and prayer into figuring out what I should write. I decided to center my thoughts on the Savior and the atonement. This was such a great experience!
19. Raise $500 for Autism awareness.
I wasn't able to fundraise for Autism, but I am currently fundraising for Down Syndrome awareness and I have raised $70 so far. Feel free to donate here.
20. Visit Wintergreen Ski Resort and ski for the very first time.
Not yet.
Done! I also created a Personal Ancestry File and it goes back pretty far. I need to work on my mom's side though...
$190 a month is now going into our savings account. It feels great to get out from underneath that payment!
All in all it was a fabulous year! I managed to complete 12 of my 22 goals, which is more than half! I will do better this year and I will make sure my goals are a little more realistic. Did I honestly think we were going to New York, OBX, and Wintergreen all in the same year? Psh. We think we are splurging when we take a trip to Sweet Frog! So long, 22. It's been nice knowing you. But I have bigger and better adventures ahead of me at 23!
Can't sleep, thanks for the cool read!